~October 2024~
Tiffany will have a piece featured in Iowa State Theatre’s upcoming
Performances 10/11-10/13, 2024

~December 2023~
THE SPACE BETWEEN HER LEGS is now available through Broadway Play Publishing! Get your copy HERE.

~September 2023~
Thrilled to be on The Present Process Podcast! Many ways to listen as I talk about art, academia, and my soon-to-be-published play, THE SPACE BETWEEN HER LEGS.
~August 2023~
TWIGS AND BONE is officially available through Broadway Play Publishing! Get your copy HERE.

~July 2023~
So excited to share that EMBODIED PLAYWRITING is now available! This wonderful collection features a couple playwriting exercises by yours truly. What an honor to have been asked to contribute! Get your copy HERE.

~June 2023~
Tiffany is thrilled to share that TWIGS AND BONE is getting published with Broadway Play Publishing! This wild, dark, funny, and terrifying play has just started the publishing process, but another announcement will be posted the minute the script is available. Special Thanks to Aubri O’Connor and Lynn Sharp Spears for bringing my spooky little play baby to life with Nu Sass, and to Steven Landry and Etienna Wright for their lovingly rendered workshop production at Acadiana Repertory Theatre (Which only happened because Cody Daigle-Orians is a rock-star playwright who champions other playwrights and alley ooped the script from Great Plains Theatre Commons conference to Steven and Etienna’s awesome eyeballs) More thanks go to Jennie Webb, Katherine James, and Alan Blumenfeld for taking the first draft under wing at Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum so many years ago. It’s amazing how many hands and how much work goes into birthing a play!
and in other exciting publishing news…
Tiffany has a couple of writing exercises in this AMAZING new book, Embodied Playwriting Improv and Acting Exercises for Writing and Devising, which will be available through Routledge starting July 6, 2023!
~April 2023~
Tiffany uploaded her latest play to New Play Exchange: THE PRINCESS AMPERSAND HAS SOME NOTES! This baby is a brand-spankin-new queer fairytale adventure play (with lots of sword fighting) and ready to read/consider.
Once upon a time there was a princess
who fell in love with the seamstress’ daughter.
So her parents had her put to sleep
in the hopes that a prince,
or a duke,
or any kind of male identifying dude, really,
would awaken her with a kiss.
Ten years later, she’s still asleep and knocked up!
(Who came up this stupid plan, anyway?)
Good thing her one true love
(Bronwyn, the seamstress’ daughter, duh)
has finally made her way to the Princess’ bedside
to wake her up
and help her exact revenge on her parents,
her rapist,
and the stupid fecking witch bitch who cast the spell in the first place.
THE PRINCESS AMPERSAND HAS SOME NOTES is a queer love story wrapped in a fairytale and covered in blood.
~January 2023~
Tiffany is the featured artist and co-curator (with the amazing Vivian Cook) at the Octagon Center for the Arts. Her exhibit, [UNTITLED] runs Jan 5-21st and features several community centered events including survivor yoga, writing through cancer, and make your own boob prints day! Tiffany will also be performing several written pieces during two performance events Jan 12th and 14th at the gallery. All events are free!
~June 2022~
LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR produced with Red Earth Theatre in Sedona, AZ

VAGINA OF VENGEANCE produced with Feminist Commune Theatre Collective in Lubbock, TX

~Spring 2022~
TWIGS AND BONE will enjoy a three month run with Nu Sass in Washington, DC!

After 2 years of Covid-related delays, Nu Sass is thrilled to finally be presenting our largest and most ambitious show yet! Part American-Gothic, part Irish Fairy Tale, part Magical Realism, Twigs & Bone is a decade in the making and a show not to be missed.
Performances are limited to just 18 audience members as part of our Covid-precautions, and we will be following the guidelines established by theatreWashington and our community of theatres to ensure your safety.
STARRING: Aubri O’Connor and Katie Wicklund (Moira), Lynn Sharp Spears and Melissa Robinson (Bonnie), Tom Howley and Kim Curtis (William)
Performances April 1, 2022 – June 25, 2022
Get tix now!
Seats limited to 18 audience members per performance due to Covid restrictions
~March 2022~
Tiffany presented at Mid America Theatre Conference in the Practice/Production symposium about revolutionary ways to reconsider current funding and producing models in contemporary theatre. Her findings are part of a larger work entitled “The Empty Triangle”. Tiffany has a longer article on this topic set to be featured in “Critical Approaches to Arts Administration in the New Millennium,” to be published by McFarland & Company.
~Spring 2021 Updates~
ALICE IN QUARANTINE: A DRIVE-THRU ADVENTURE enjoyed two productions this spring! This collaboratively written, pandemic-safe, play is the first script created through Tiffany’s PlagueWrites.com project and was recently published with Next Stage Press!
TWIGS AND BONE will have a production with Nu Sass in 2022
~December 2020~
Tiffany directed a brand new film adaptation of A Christmas Carol for
Iowa State University this fall.
The film, OUR COMMUNITY CAROL: A Blueprint for a Play is available to stream Dec 11-30 HERE & the program is available to view HERE
ALICE IN QUARANTINE: A DRIVE-THRU ADVENTURE had it’s first production Oct 15-17 at in Arlington, TX!
Tiffany’s newest piece, OUR COMMUNITY CAROL: A BLUEPRINT FOR A PLAY, is scheduled for production at Iowa State University in December 2020 (Details TBA)
~August 2020~
Tiffany is thrilled to have directed/edited Amanda Petefish-Schrag’s THE ORCHARD for Iowa State University Museums.
~July 2020~
Tiffany has a poem in the Telepoem Booth Iowa installation at the Pottawattamie Arts, Culture and Entertainment building in
Council Bluffs, IA. The installation runs through January 2021!
~June 2020~
Winding Road produced a lovely digital version of my short play HAT TRICK
~May 2020~
Colvin Theatrical produced a digital version of Tiffany’s
(a monologue)
in their Overcoming Isolation event!
THE GOOD BOOK slated to be performed at Brookhaven College
in Dallas, TX 4/30/20-5/9/20
FROM THE RUBBLE (the 1-act version) slated to be presented at Iowa State University Theatre’s Student Directed One-Act Festival*!
(*Cancelled due to Pandemic)
~March 2019~
Tiffany is thrilled to be a panelist at ISU Theatre’s HERoic Symposium
Diversifying the Wolfpack: Champoining Gender Equity
in the Arts and Athletics
~February 2019~
Telepoem Booth has selected one of Tiffany’s poems for their Iowa installation! You’ll be able to hear Tiffany’s work by visiting their vintage phone booths in Iowa in March!
~December 2019~
Tiffany produced a special Christmas edition of ONSTAGE: ON-AIR for
Little Black Dress INK, featuring new work by
herself and several other awesome female playwrights!
~October 2019~
Tiffany was thrilled to present at the The Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education’s sixth annual conference with her colleagues at Iowa State University Theatre!
~Spring 2019~
Tiffany had a baby! Updates (and sleep) got put on hold for a while…
~January 2019~
Tiffany is thrilled to accept an invitation to be an Affiliated Writer with Playwrights’ Center!
~September 2018~
American Theatre Magazine interviewed Tiffany about Protest Plays Project’s
#TheatreActionVote initiative. You can read it HERE.
~August 2018~
Tiffany led a panel on the Heal the Divide on Campus initiative at the
Association for Theatre in Higher Education in Boston.
The panel included professors Charissa Menefee, Detra Payne,
and Jennifer Pierce – all of whom participated in the Heal the Divide on Campus project last year.
You can learn more about the project HERE.
Press Release via Iowa State University available HERE

~July 2018~
Tiffany was THRILLED to present a workshop on Writing for Change at the
Dramatists Guild Conference in NYC. More info about writing for social change and
Protest Plays Project Theatre Action initiatives can be found HERE.

~June 2018~
Protest Plays Project’s Get Out the VOTE! Plays Collection is LIVE!
Tiffany’s play, THE STICKER, is part of the collection and available royalty free
More info/Read the collection HERE
Tiffany was honored to participate in HowlRound’s
Calling Up: Artists Respond to Gun Violence and Racial Inequity
Livestream Panel Discussion
You can view the archive HERE
~April 2018~
Tiffany is thrilled to announce she will be presenting a workshop
at the Dramatists Guild Conference in NYC this August!
She has put out a call to theatres to produce #GetOutTheVote! plays
through ProtestPlays.org
~March 2018~
Tiffany has put out a call to theatres to produce readings of #TheatreActionGunControl plays
through ProtestPlays.org
Her play, AZTEC, NM is avail for readings in support of March For Our Lives and the #ENOUGH walk-out
Register your event HERE
Tiffany’s article, Amplifying Civic Engagement Through #TheatreActionGunControl is available on HowlRound.com!

Read The Dionysian interview with Tiffany about #TheatreActionGunControl
Aztec, NM will be read in Chattanooga, TN on March 21 and in both Washington, D.C. & Prescott, AZ on March 24
for #TheatreActionGunControl events
Tiffany’s latest Little Black Dress INK podcast is all about #TheatreActionGunControl
and features play readings of Diana Burbano’s ROUNDS PER SECOND, Stephen Kaplan’s DRILL,
& Tiffany’s AZTEC, NM
Listen HERE
Tiffany’s play, TWIGS AND BONE is a finalist for Relative Theatrics’ Playwrights Voiced New Works Festival
Tiffany was interviewed on the Laurie Fitz show in Minneapolis to talk about #TheatreActionGunControl
You can listen HERE.
Tiffany’s short play, HAT TRICK, was read at Iowa State University’s Heal the Divide on Campus reading, March 28!
~February 2018~
Thrilled to announce that THE SPACE BETWEEN HER LEGS is an
O’Neill National Playwrights Conference semi-finalist!
Tiffany’s Protest Plays Project is headed to ATHE this August with a panel on her
Heal the Divide on Campus Initiative! Feeling very honored to share this panel
with Iowa State University’s Charissa Menefee and University of Texas at Arlington’s Detra Payne!
~January 2018~
Tiffany has been working with several AWESOME theatre companies
to bring this year’s Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Festival: Volume Control
to cities across the nation. You can read about it HERE.
~November 2017~
Tiffany has a new play in search of development opps! Contact her for more details about
SAU Theatre Department will be producing
Tifany’s adaptation of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM in February 2018!
~October 2017~
Tiffany presented her paper, Taking it to the streets: Powering up the Protest Narrative Through Theatre at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik for their Who’s Got the Power? A Philosophical Critique of Social and Political Structures conference

Tiffany’s SAU directing debut, Rhinoceros had a great run, resulting in
three of her student actors and one student designer getting invited to the KCACTF Region 6 Festival in March!

Tiffany was interviewed by Castleton University student about the SAU production of Rhinoceros. The article is available HERE.
~September 2017~
Tiffany is directing Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros at Southern Arkansas University. Show dates Oct. 12-15
~August 2017~
Tiffany will be presenting her paper, Taking the Long View:
An Examination of Sustainable Theatrical Activism in the Age of Trump, at the ATHE 2017 conference
~July 2017~
CRICKET WOMAN MOTHER EARTH (OR) A NASTY COMEUPPANCE will be showcased in the Boston Court Performing Arts Center’s 13th Annual New Play Festival at 11:30 am on July 29th! Read More Here
“Mommy Knows Best” will be performed at the 2017 ONSTAGE Festival in Prescott, AZ July 6-8
Tix avail here
~June 2017~
THE EGG (also titled: THE SPACE BETWEEN TWO HOUSES) is making it’s NYC debut
at The Prism Festival June 14-17! Tix avail here
~May 2017~
Tiffany’s been invited to present papers on theatrical activism at this year’s ATHE conference and the University of Iceland, Rejkavik’s Who’s Got the Power? conference this fall!
Don’t miss “Mommy Knows Best” as part of the
2017 Female Playwrights ONSTAGE festival semi-finalist reading in Los Angeles on May 21st
~April 2017~
Tiffany has written another piece for HowlRound.com. You can read it HERE.
Tiffany’s play, THE EGG, will be produced by Stay Awake! Theatre for their 2nd Prism Festival June 7th-18th in NYC!
Her monologue, “Mommy Knows Best” will be presented in the
2017 Female Playwrights ONSTAGE festival semi-finalist reading in Los Angeles on May 21st
~March 2017~
THE GOOD BOOK will be performed at Washington High School in Charles Town, West Virginia!
Tiffany has launched www.ProtestPlays.org – a catalogue of short plays made available to Creative Resistors!
~February 2017~
Tiffany has written an article on Radical Empathy for HowlRound.com. Read it HERE
Tiffany has launched the Protest Plays Project, which aims to
connect Playwrights with Resistors who wish to incorporate theatrical action in political protest.
~December 2016~
Tiffany’s play, SOUR FRUIT, will be presented in 3 different cities as part of the We’re not Playing Initiative!
~August 2016~
Swandive Theatre in Minneapolis is presenting a reading of Twigs and Bone
as part of their summer reading series.

~July 14-16, 2016~
Tiffany’s play THE EGG is going up in Little Black Dress INK‘s 2016 ONSTAGE Festival
with Acadiana Repertory Theatre in Lafayette, LA.
~October 2015~
Tiffany’s play Twigs and Bone opens at Acadiana Repertory Theatre in Lafayette, LA!
You can listen to ART’s Artistic Director discuss Twigs and Bone HERE
Tiffany’s play THE GOOD BOOK runs at Blue Valley North Highschool in KS.
~September 27, 2015~
Tiffany will be teaching a character workshop at WordFest in downtown Waco.
~August 2015~
Little Black Dress INK presents the Outside the Lines new play festival
at the Prescott Center for the Arts August 6, 8, & 9. Tickets available at www.PCA-AZ.net
~July 2015~
Tiffany is co-teaching/directing The Tempest as part of the The@trics summer workshop series!
~April 2015~
Tiffany’s short play Fancy Tomatoes is now available with Indie Theater Now as part of the
Planting the Seed anthology! You can purchase the collection HERE.
Tiffany is directing Fuddy Meers at Central Texas College, showtimes at 7:30 on April 23rd – 25th

~March-May 2015~
Tiffany’s production company, Little Black Dress INK, presents the Outside the Lines fest with our amazing Partner Producers in 8 cities!
Visit the Little Black Dress INK website for more details!
~January 2015~
Tiffany is THRILLED to announce her play, Twigs and Bone, will be produced by Acadiana Reportory Theatre in Lafayette, Louisiana in October 2015!
Tiffany will be directing Fuddy Meers at Central Texas College in March, 2015
~December 2014~
Little Black Dress INK presents the Planting the Seed Festival in Prescott, AZ featuring 11 new plays (including Tiffany’s Fancy Tomatoes) Buy tickets HERE

~October 2014~
Happy playwright! Tiffany will be adapting and directing The Tempest for Waco Civic Theatre!
~September 2014~
Tiffany is super excited to once again be teaching Voice and Speech for Central Texas College
along with Screenwriting!
~May 2014~
Tiffany is honored to be at the Great Plains Theatre Conference with her play Twigs and Bone.
Thrilled to be writing for HowlRound.com this month
in support of Little Black Dress INK‘s unique Peer Review process!
Read her pieces HERE
Super excited to head to LA for May 18th’s live-stream reading of
LBDI’s Planting the Seed Festival of New Work at the Los Angeles Theatre Center

~April 2014~
Tiffany’s Little Black Dress INK Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Project is kicking off in Waco, TX; Santa Barbara, CA; Sedona, AZ; and Ithaca, NY! SO excited to see this project growing in support of female playwrights!
~March 2014~
Tiffany has been invited to the Great Plains Theater Conference with her play, TWIGS AND BONE!
~February 2014~
Little Black Dress INK (Tiffany’s producing company) is accepting/sorting submissions for its Female Playwrights ONSTAGE Project. Look for Tiffany to dig out from the resulting administrative mountain in March.
~January 2014~
Tiffany is super excited to be teaching Voice and Speech for Central Texas College
Spring acting and writing workshops in Waco!
~November 2013~
In the Company of Jane Doe is now available through Indie Theater Now!
Tiffany is guest blogging for the LAFPI this month! Check out what she has to say HERE.
~September 2013~
The Here and Now Project plays (written for HowlRound.com) are now available on Indie Theater Now! You can read all three of Tiffany’s plays online. Visit THIS LINK to check them out.
~August 2013~
Tiffany is thrilled to be teaching Performing Arts Management at Baylor University for the fall semester!
~July 2013~
Tiffany will be directing The Elk in the Attic (Book by Chris Hoy, Music and Lyrics by D Squared) at the Elks Opera House, July 2 5th – 28th. Auditions are May 29th and 30th in the Pueblo Room at the Smoki (Prescott, AZ) Tix available at www.ElksOperaHouse.com

~June 2013~
Racing Turtles, Tiffany’s latest 10-minute play, will be featured in The@trics’ Pet Plays Festival benefitting the Yavapai Humane Society.
Tiffany will be teaching a Movie Workshop for teens! This fun workshop will cover screenwriting, acting for the camera, and participants will film an original short film!
For more info, visit: www.TheatricsTheatre.org

~April-May 2013~
Tiffany is co-directing A Midsummer Night’s Dream though The@trics‘ Shakespeare Workshop.
Participants learn all about Shakespeare’s life, his works, and how to perform his plays in this 5-week workshop led by Tiffany and her partner Cason Murphy. Performances take place May 3rd and 4th in Prescott,AZ.
~February 2013~
FROM THE RUBBLE, Tiffany’s post-apocalyptic romantic comedy, will perform at Prescott Center for the Arts in February 2013!
~December 2012~
The@trics Theatre presents thrifTheatre, featuring a new play by Tiffany. Shows run Dec 12-15th.
This Festival weill benefit the Coalition for Compassion and Justice in Prescott, AZ.

~November 2012~
Tiffany and Cason Murphy will be teaching an Acting Workshop in January… details can be found on their website: www.TheatricsTheatre.org
~September 2012~
Tiffany shares a bill with some of today’s best female playwrights in Guerrila Girls on Tour! WE ARE THEATRE event in NY!

FROM THE RUBBLE, Tiffany’s post-apocalyptic romantic comedy, has been selected for a workshop at Prescott Center for the Arts’ Stage Too!
~August 2012~
Tiffany’s final play for the HowlRound’s Here and Now Project is posted. Click HERE to read all three 10 minute plays!
~June 2012~
Tiffany has been selected as one of four playwrights to write for HowlRound’s Here and Now Project! Check the website or “like” HowlRound on Facebook to stay up to date on this very exciting project.
~May 2012~
In the Company of Jane Doe opens in NY at New York Theatre Workshop’s 4th Street Theatre with CAKE productions.

Tiffany is guest blogging for the LAFPI the week her show opens!
Tiffany’s monologue “Mommy” gets performed at the Secret Rose Theatre’s Mother’s Day Monologue Slam in LA.
Tiffany’s production company, Little Black Dress INK, announces the line up for their From the Mouths of Babes festival (part of their Female Playwrights ONSTAGE project)
~April 2012~
Tiffany’s monologue “Mommy” from her newest play-in-progress performed at The Artist’s Path Love Makes the World Go Round monologue fest.
~March 2012~
Tiffany receives the Buckey Award for Outstanding Literary Artist!

Tiffany also participated in Prescott College’s Life in Letters Conference as a Guest Panelist on March 30th. Great big Thanks to Prescott College for inviting her to be a part of this great event celebrating the art of writing!
~February 2012~
In the Company of Jane Doe is heading to NY this Spring with Cake Productions! Stay tuned for dates/locations!
One of Tiffany’s monologues will be featured in The Artist’s Path Love Makes the World Go Round event in April!
Tiffany is a finalist for Outstanding Literary Artist in this year’s Buckey Awards! Join us, March 10th, as we celebrate the arts in Prescott (and see who goes home with the prize!)
~December 2011~
Ham Brown’s House will receive a staged reading at Tomorrow’s Theatre Tonight in January!
~November/December 2011~
Tiffany and Cason coordinate The Twelve Days of Christmas Scavenger Hunt, their second theatrical marketing game, through The@trics, in partnership with the Prescott Center for the Arts

~October 15th 2011~
Tiffany participates in the Prescott College One-Day Plays! Her play, The Secret to the ‘Verse was presented along with four others after a 24-hor marathon of theatrical activity.

~October 2011~
Tiffany and Cason coordinate Ghost Hunt, an interactive theatrical marketing game, through The@trics, in partnership with the Prescott Center for the Arts
~August 20th, 2011~
Dirty Laundry plays to nearly sold out audiences! You can read all about it on the Little Black Dress INK blog!

~June 2011~
Tiffany launches Little Black Dress Ink, a producing and support organization for female playwrights. The first show – a ten minute play fest featuring 9 female playwrights – Dirty Laundry, will open August 20th and will benefit Prescott Area Women’s Shelter.
~May 2011~
Tiffany’s play, Cricket Woman Mother earth (or) A Nasty Comeuppance, finishes as a finalist for the O’Neill Conference!
~May 2011~
Tiffany and Cason Murphy will be teaching an Acting Workshop in June… details can be found on their website: www.TheatricsTheatre.org
~March 2011~
Tiffany is a finalist for the first Annual Buckey Awards for Outstanding Literary Artist!
(And a nominee for Outstanding Arts Educator)
~February 2011~
Cake Productions has invited In the Company of Jane Doe to New York… details to come!
~February 2011~
Tiffany’s newest play, Cricket Woman Mother earth (or) A Nasty Comeuppance, is a finalist with The Artist’s Path new play series. Winners to be announced mid-April.
~February 14th – 21st, 2011~
Tiffany is guest blogging for The Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative again! Follow this link to read her posts.
~February 2011~
Tiffany’s newest play, Cricket Woman Mother earth (or) A Nasty Comeuppance, is a semi-finalist for the O’Neill Conference. Check back for updates!
~January, 2011~
The Inkwell will present a staged reading of Twigs and Bone on March 5th, 2011 at The Wooly Mammoth Theatre!
~November, 2010~
Tiffany’s new 10 minute play, Sour Fruit will be performed at The Theatricum Botanicum as part of their Fall festival November 20th and 21st, 2010!
~October, 2010~
Tiffany was interviewed for The Dramatist. Look for her in the Sept/Oct issue!
~July 19- 25, 2010~
Tiffany is guest blogging for The Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative again! Follow this link to read her posts.
~July, 2010~
Tiffany is going to be teaching a playwriting class at the Prescott Fine Arts Association in AZ! Stay tuned for more details…
~June 9th, 2010~
From the Rubble featured in A Chat Roulette Wedding, on the Comedy Central Stage
~May, 2010~
Twigs and Bone a semi-finalist for the Bay Area Playwrights Festival
~May 17- 23, 2010~
Tiffany is guest blogging for The Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative! Click here to see what she’s got to say.
~May, 2010~
Twigs and Bone is a Jerome Finalist with the Playwrights’ Center.
~April, 2010~
Twigs and Bone receives staged reading as part of Marianne Murphy’s NEW plays, NEW Voices play reading series at UCLA.
~March, 2010~
Tiffany makes the move to Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble, as their new Literary Manager.
~March, 2010~
Twigs and Bone is a semi-finalist for the 2010 O’Neill National Playwrights Conference.
~January 14th- Feb 6th, 2010~
In the Company of Jane Doe premiering with Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble at The Powerhouse. Buy your tickets NOW!
~November, 2009~
A Disappearing Woman, is a finalist in The Golden Brad Screenwriting contest
~October, 2009~
Twigs and Bone to be read at The Theatricum Botanicum’s Seedlings Series November 22, 2009 at 1:00. See you there!
~October, 2009~
Tiffany’s screenplay, A Disappearing Woman, isa semi-finalist in The Golden Brad competition. Finalists to be announced October 28th.
~October, 2009~
Ana and the Closet will be read as part of Los Angeles Playwrights’ Arena New Play Readings November 8th at 3:00 at The NEW LATC.
~September, 2009~
Ham Brown’s House a semi-finalist for the Eileen Heckart Drama for Seniors Competition (Ohio State University)
~September, 2009~
Twigs and Bone receives Green Read at Theatricum Botanicum.
~August, 2009~
Tiffany interviewed by The Washington Post about her play Ana and the Closet’s upcoming reading in The Kennedy Center’s 8th Annual Page to Stage Festival
~August, 2009~
In the Company of Jane Doe to have World Premiere with the Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble in January 2010!
~July, 2009~
Tiffany will be directing and teaching at UCLA’s Performing Arts Institute this summer.
~July, 2009~
Ana and the Closet will be presented by Forum Theatre in the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Annual Page to Stage Festival Labor Day weekend, 2009. Details to come…
~July, 2009~
Twigs and Bone receives Green Read at Theatricum Botanicum!
~May 2009~
Tiffany is a Finalist for CTG’s Annual Sherwood Award for early career theatre artists!
~March, 2009~
Ana and the Closet is a semi-finalist for the 2009 Reverie Productions NEXT GENERATION Contest.
~March, 2009~
Tiffany travels to Tulsa University with her play In the Company of Jane Doe.
~February, 2009~
Ana and the Closet is a semi-finalist for the 2009 O’Neill National Playwrights Conference.
~November, 2008~
Tiffany is a Jerome Finalist for 2009. Fellowship results to be announced in January.
~November, 2008~
”In the Company of Jane Doe” selected to be part of The Living Room Series at The Blank Theatre. Staged reading will be February 9th, 2009.
~May 2008~
“Ana and the Closet” receives Tim Robbins Award.
~May 2008~
”Ana and the Closet” receives staged reading as part of Marianne Murphy’s NEW plays, NEW Voices play reading series at UCLA..
~April 2008~
Tiffany selected as a 2008 Hawthornden Fellow! Tiffany will travel to Scotland in the fall for a month long residency at Hawthornden Castle to write.
~March 2008~
“In the Company of Jane Doe ” selected as winner of The 2008 New Works for Young Women contest with The University of Tulsa.
~Coming Soon~
”The Good Book” available for purchase from Samuel French!
~February 2nd, 7th & 9th, 2008~
”Nell & Snell” performs as part of UCLA’s Random Acts, 10- Minute Plays, directed by Gary Gardner.
~December 7th-9th, 2007~
Tiffany travels to The Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis for workshop with “In the Company of Jane Doe”
~November 29th-October 1st, 2007~
”In the Company of Jane Doe” performed to sold out audiences as part of UCLA’s New Play Festival workshop series! Directed by Mary Jo Duprey.
~August 1st, 2007~
“The Good Book” announced as a winner in this years Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Original Short Play Festival! The play will be published along with the other winners of the festival sometime early 2008!
~July 12, 2007~
”From the Rubble” selected to receive reading at the Prescott Fine Arts Association in Prescott, Arizona
~July 8th, 2007~
“In the Company of Jane Doe” receives a green read at the Theatricum Botanicum, Topanga, CA
~June 17th, 2007 ~
“The Good Book” performs as finalist in the 32nd Annual Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Original Short Play Festival in New York, NY
~June 15th, 2007~
“The Good Book” wins Critics Choice for it’s night at the, 32nd Annual Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Original Short Play Festival in New York, NY
~June 8th, 2007~
”In the Company of Jane Doe” selected to receive a workshop at The Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis